Marissa at 5 months. She weighed 6.7kg. We were at the Paeds and Dr. Koe says her statistics are all within normal range. Marissa cried as usual during her vaccination that day - she refused to nurse but prefers to look around and she what's happening around her. Evan was the total opposite. As long as he gets to nurse, he is oblivious to his surroundings. He doesn't cry at all whenever he gets his jabs.
Thanks to my cousin Pek Keng & hubby Derrick, who helped lugged this Lindam Door Bouncer all the way from UK... Marissa got to play & bounce gleefully. She can only play for about 5 minutes and after that gets tired and wants out. I bought this brand new from ebay UK. Haven't seen any of these around but saw the other version with Tigger selling at Mothercare for RM308. Got this for about RM100+ when the pound sterling exchange rate was quite low.
Marissa is wearing new cloth diapers! She outgrew the Fuzzi Bunz ones and I promptly bought 5 more from Lil Danzell online store during their sale. This time I am trying out AIO (all-in-one) diapers. I bought 2 itti bitti all in ones, 2 itti bitti snap in ones & 1 itti bitti fitted all in one. Lovely pastel colors and works very well - super absorbant, durable and trim fitting. I also took out a stash of 6 large custom-made diapers pre-owned by Evan and Marissa can fit into them already though bulky.
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