Thursday, August 9, 2007

Story Time!

Evan reading Mother Goose Rhymes - his favorite:Old King Cole.
Evan has taken a preference to story books. Before this he was on a staple diet of picture books. He will insist that Hubby or me to read together with him. "Go room! Mummy sit down! This one! Open the book! Open the book!", he demands. And I have to read the stories over and over again at one sitting! He's never bored! But I am! So I bought a variety of story books for him..... some of the titles that he has are : Ratatouille, Toy Story, Lilo & Stitch, Snow White & the Seven Drawfs plus many more from the Sesame Street, Veggie Tales and Winnie the Pooh range. He likes to point out his favorite characters and also reenact the scene in the book eg sleeping and snoring when he reads about Snow White falling asleep after eating the poisonous apple. When he comes to the dangerous parts of the stories, he will say "uh oh" or "oh no!". Besides story time, Evan also likes playing music and singing! He can memorise quite a number of rhymes and songs. I hope that this trend will continue and that he will learn how to read the words soon.

1 comment:

eskay said...

Wah!! Evan's so clever one ah...