KL Bird Park's annual coloring contest is back! This time entry fees are lower i.e. RM30 per child. All participants will also receive a KL Bird Ranger one year membership (worth RM80). The main benefit is unlimited entry into KL Bird Park for the child and one accompanying adult. KL Bird Rangers receive 15% discount for retail purchases at any of the souvenier stores at the park plus free entry for all educational activities organized during the school holidays.

So, I signed up both of them for the contest - category A (3-7 yrs). The older kids compete in category B. We were told to bring our own color supplies i.e crayons/oil pastels and color pencils, a folding table and/or mat. After registration, everyone enjoyed some refreshments i.e. nuggets, potato wedges and spring rolls. The contest started promptly at 10am. Participants were given 2 hours to complete their work. Parents were allowed to accompany their child but not allowed to color for them nor to provide consultation. But then, the organizers were not too strict about this.
Marissa was very enthusiastic about the contest - she used wax crayons to color the macaw. All done within 45 minutes!
Estimated around 100 participants! The Hornbill Cafe was packed with parents and children. Most of them came with folding tables like Ikea's breakfast in bed table (RM19.90). I thought the folding table was not really necessary but looking back, should have invested in 2 for the kids cos they were bending a lot while coloring.
Evan - concentrating intensely on his coloring - only for the first hour! After that, he was tired and wanted to finish up as soon as possible.... hence the background was not colored well.
Evan & Marissa - first time taking part in a coloring contest.
Finished masterpiece - good - but not good enough to bag any of the prizes! Anyway, all participants received a KL Bird Park 'eco' bag with a tee shirt, pen, hand fan and Happy Feet 2 games & trailer DVD. There were 5 consolation prizes per category and 3 main winners. Prizes were sponsored by MPH, Speedy and KL Bird Park.
While waiting for the results to be announced at the amphitheater at 1pm, participants can watch the 12:30pm bird show or explore the park.
The macaws were a talented lot!
Mr Bill the mascot made an appearance during the prize giving ceremony.
We left the park immediately after the prize giving ceremony and went for lunch. Too tired to explore the park! Will be back there soon!