In preparation for the arrival of Evan's baby sister..... Evan has been undergoing 'training' : learning to feed himself. Progress report : Good but can be better! He can feed himself Koko Krunch using a spoon. He can eat yoghurt, jelly and cake too - using fork & spoon (He doesn't like getting his fingers dirty). Drinking milk from a cup is not a problem for him. He can also feed himself his breakfast of oats & raisins..... lunch/dinner of porridge and fried anchovies. With the main meals, he needs help and prompting - that's because he can be quite engrossed watching his favourite TV programs (Toy Story, Ratatouille & Bob the Builder) that he 'forgets' that he's eating.

This is Evan on the potty - he's really an expert in this department.... goes shee shee on his own and can even set up his potty seat on the toilet bowl and do his business. Only thing he can't do is wipe his butt after that..... so that's why he still yells "poo poo potttttttty!" when he needs to do it. Ironically, he won't tell if he wants to shee shee or poo poo in nursery. Teachers say he's not ready and still wears diapers there.
Well, I've also done some shopping here and there for new stuff for the baby. A few newborn clothes, a new bathtub ( Evan's bathtub is cracked already due to too frequent use!), new changing mat ( Evan's previous one also cracked/split due to too frequent use), new towel and also a set of Gymboree layette for 3-6 months in pretty purple/green/white with dragonflies.
I'm planning to try out Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers for the new baby. Still scouting for good buys from USA. Will also be using Evan's old Bumwear cloth diapers. My Boss : Dr. Sim has also consented to my 3 months maternity leave. My ebay online store is doing OK so hope to get some income even when I'm not working for 3 months. Actually invested over RM5000 in my ebay business. Each time I earn, I put it back into the business to slowly build up the inventory. Also planning a joint full moon celebration & 3rd birthday party for Evan and his little sister in mid August (Evan's birthday is on 18th August). Bought and packed all 40 party packs for Evan's birthday celebration in nursery already. The theme this time round : BUGS ( spiders, ladybugs and bees).
That's all the updates for now! Wanna do some online shopping for your little one(s)? Pls do check out my ebay stores and blogshops!
looks like you've been keeping yourself VERY busy... shop more now. No time when baby arrives.
Evan Boy,
Do you know how lucky you are? Your Kung-Kung never had a birthday party. I only had an egg plus mee noodles for my birthdays, and I was very happy and satisfied ,cos that was what we could afford.
I look forward to the birthday celebarations.Kaofu will not be able to make it as he will only be back in September but you can be sure he will have big presents for you and your baby sister.
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