Evan will be celebrating his 2nd birthday in about a month's time. He's pretty excited about birthdays. At Lil Beansprouts, he's attended so many of them that he knows what to expect.....
Here's what transpires during a birthday party 'practice' session :
1) Evan arranges the peek-a-blocks on the table (one of them has a birthday cake in it) and also the toolbench with the hammer in place. Then he calls or pulls the both of us to the room.

2) We all sing the birthday song
3) We clap our hands otherwise Evan would be prompting us "Clap hands! Clap hands!"
4) "Take the knife - cut the cake" Evan would say and uses the hammer to 'cut' the block.
5) We would always need to remind him to blow the candles first, and he always complied with a "Phewwww".
6) Then Evan would offer Hubby and me the block of cake.
7) Evan tastes the cake and exclaims "NICE!"
8) Then we have to REPEAT the whole sequence from no.2 to no.7 !
8) Then we have to REPEAT the whole sequence from no.2 to no.7 !

wah... birthday still got practice wan ar?? ahahaha!! was wondering how many presents he will hav this for this coming birthday:)
sorry for the delay of the heidelberg pic.. jz finish exams n currently in uk for a week:) will send it to u asap lar..
ohya.. as for the shrek happy meal.. i got one for evan here in scotland (shrek himself).. u want me to send it bek ? or bring it bek the next time?:)
take care n update ur blog often yeah!! ahaha..
Hey.. Look who's here at the blogosphere... I get see Evan more regularly la like that ...:)
Btw, what should I get for Evan this time eh?
More toys... shoes.. books...?
well evan already has shrek but nevermind... pls bring back you. he doesnt have gingy and pinocchio.
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