Hooray! Evan has been using the potty for shee shee and poo poo for the past few days. Hubby and I are elated that he's taking this potty business well. Hopefully he will graduate to the toilet bowl soon. I bought this The First Few Years/Elmo Potty from Metrojaya few months back hoping to entice Evan into sitting on the potty more often. Although he already has 2 other potties he didn't want to sit on them. Since this potty can be converted into a step stool for the toilet bowl and also a child toilet seat, i decided to give it a try. He was quite keen to sit on it but not for any 'business' so we just let it be. In the mean time, I let Evan watche a DVD - Elmo's Potty Time. Recently we started asking him to use the potty and he complied - even asking his Grandmother to clap whenever he manages to shee shee in it!
I still put on a diaper for him whenever he naps/sleeps though.
I still put on a diaper for him whenever he naps/sleeps though.

Evan..'chia you..chia you!'. Must know how to use the potty the next time godmama come to visit ya;)
elmo is soooo cute that if i were evan, i'll be sooooo reluctant to shee shee n poo poo in it.. ahaha.. anyway.. congrats!!!
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